Sunday, May 24, 2015

C# - Programmatically Add/Delete Membership Rule To/From SCCM Query Based Collection

I had been working on how to create membership rule into query based collection using SCCM SDK with C#. The article from MSDN has limited information especially in this area using C#. What I have found mostly are done using PowerShell script. Luckily, PowerShell and C# are somehow similar and I am able to base on the sample to convert it to the C# code to perform the automation work that I want. I am going to share the detail in my today's post.


Before we can begin, we need to include the following DLLs into your project assembly reference.


Both DLLs can be obtained from SCCM installed directory which default at C:\Program Files\ConfigMgr2012\bin

If you download the SCCM 2012 SDK from this Microsoft Download Center link, it does not include the Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.dll. The sample code provided from the SDK does not work as it miss out this dll. So, you have to get it from the SCCM 2012 server.


Basically what we want to achieve here is to add multiple users into a membership rule then add the rule into the SCCM query based collection. Instead of manually doing it, we are going to automate it. First, we need to identify how the query should look like which to be added into SCCM collection.

We can check it out by opening the Configuration Manager Console. Then, go to the SCCM collection page. Open the Collection Properties.

Click the Add Rule button, then select Query Rule.

Enter a name for the query, then click Edit Query Statement.

Choose Criteria tab then click the little sun button.

I am going to add multiple users into a rule, so select Criterion Type as List of values. Then, click the Select button.

In my environment, I use Unique User Name to identify the users. Therefore, select Unique User Name as the attribute.

After clicking the OK button, it will lead me back to Criterion Properties page. Then, type the unique user name into the Value to add textbox or click the Values button to select the user that you want to add them into the membership rule. Once you have done adding all the users into the list, click the OK button.

The query is displayed in the Query Statement page. That query is going to be needed to be added to the SCCM query based collection programmatically later.


Add Membership To Collection

The following are the source code to add the query to membership rule to SCCM collection.

The semantic flow is as follow:

1. Connect to SCCM server.
2. Form the WQL query as you have seen from the Configuration Manager Console.
3. Validate the WQL query.
4. Create a new collection query instance.
5. Invoke AddMembershipRule method.
6. Request collection membership refresh.

public void AddUsersToCollectionMembership(string sccmCollectionID, params string[] userNames)
    SmsNamedValuesDictionary namedValues = new SmsNamedValuesDictionary();
    WqlConnectionManager connectionManager = new WqlConnectionManager(namedValues);

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sccmCollectionID) || userNames == null)
        throw new ArgumentException("The parameter collectionID value cannot be null or empty or whitespace.");

        WqlResultObject collection = (WqlResultObject)connectionManager.GetInstance("SMS_Collection.CollectionID='" + sccmCollectionID + "'");

        string[] users = userNames.Select(x => x.Replace("\\", "\\\\")).ToArray();
        string query = string.Format("SELECT * " +
            "FROM SMS_R_User " +
            "WHERE SMS_R_User.UniqueUserName IN ({0})", string.Join(",", users));

        //Validate the query before adding the query to SCCM collection
        var validateQueryParam = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        validateQueryParam.Add("WQLQuery", query);
        IResultObject validationResult = connectionManager.ExecuteMethod("SMS_CollectionRuleQuery", "ValidateQuery", validateQueryParam);

        if (validationResult["ReturnValue"].BooleanValue == true)
            //Create collection rule query instance
            IResultObject rule = connectionManager.CreateInstance("SMS_CollectionRuleQuery");
            rule["QueryExpression"].StringValue = query;
            rule["RuleName"].StringValue = "Members of collection " + sccmCollectionID; //The rule name will reflect in the CM Console

            //Add the rule into a parameter object
            var membershipRuleParam = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            membershipRuleParam.Add("collectionRule", rule);

            //Add new rule to SCCM collection
            IResultObject addResult = collection.ExecuteMethod("AddMembershipRule", membershipRuleParam);
            //NOTE: The added rule will have an ID return. You need to store it somewhere, e.g: database
            //You need this query ID to delete this rule later
            int sccmQueryID = addResult["QueryID"].IntegerValue;

            if (addResult["ReturnValue"].IntegerValue != 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to add membership rule to SCCM Collection.");
                throw new ApplicationException("Failed to add membership rule to SCCM Collection.");

            //Refresh the SCCM collection membership
            Dictionary<string, object> requestRefreshParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            requestRefreshParameters.Add("IncludeSubCollections", false);
            collection.ExecuteMethod("RequestRefresh", requestRefreshParameters);
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Invalid WQL query: ", query));
            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid WQL query: ", query));
    catch (SmsException smsEx)
        Debug.WriteLine("Failed to run queries. Error: " + smsEx.Details);
    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException accessEx)
        Debug.WriteLine("Failed to authenticate. Error:" + accessEx.Message);


Delete Membership From Collection

Similar concept in adding membership to collection. One thing to take note is the SCCM Query ID to be passed to the DeleteMembershipRule method.

The SCCM Query ID was obtained during AddMembershipRule method from above code (highlighted yellow).

public void DeleteSccmCollectionRule(string sccmCollectionID, int sccmQueryID)
    SmsNamedValuesDictionary namedValues = new SmsNamedValuesDictionary();
    WqlConnectionManager connectionManager = new WqlConnectionManager(namedValues);

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sccmCollectionID))
        throw new ArgumentException("The parameter collectionID value cannot be null or empty or whitespace.");

        WqlResultObject collection = (WqlResultObject)connectionManager.GetInstance("SMS_Collection.CollectionID='" + sccmCollectionID + "'");

        //Create collection rule query instance
        IResultObject rule = connectionManager.CreateInstance("SMS_CollectionRuleQuery");
        rule["QueryID"].IntegerValue = sccmQueryID;

        //Add the rule into a parameter object
        var membershipRuleParam = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        membershipRuleParam.Add("collectionRule", rule);

        //Delete existing rule from SCCM collection
        IResultObject deleteResult = collection.ExecuteMethod("DeleteMembershipRule", membershipRuleParam);
        if (deleteResult["ReturnValue"].IntegerValue != 0)
            Debug.WriteLine("Failed to delete membership rule from SCCM Collection.");
            throw new ApplicationException("Failed to delete membership rule from SCCM Collection.");

        //Refresh the SCCM collection membership
        Dictionary<string, object> requestRefreshParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        requestRefreshParameters.Add("IncludeSubCollections", false);
        collection.ExecuteMethod("RequestRefresh", requestRefreshParameters);
    catch (SmsException smsEx)
        Debug.WriteLine("Failed to run queries. Error: " + smsEx.Details);
    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException accessEx)
        Debug.WriteLine("Failed to authenticate. Error:" + accessEx.Message);


That's all. Happy coding!


  1. Hi!. You've got some pretty good articles here, I've really liked the few ones I've read. But what I really don't like is the fact that Javascript is required in order to read anything here. I think of a blog mostly as "content" rather than as "apps" or "tools", so why is JS a must if you want to *read* that content?

    Other than that, great job with the posts.


  2. What is to change if I don't want to add a Query rule but a direct rule for 1 single computer / resource ID?

  3. The compiler doesn't like this ".Select" in this line and I cant find anywhere an example like this to see what USING statement or other reference Im missing. string[] users = userNames.Select(x => x.Replace("\\", "\\\\")).ToArray();


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