Monday, April 27, 2020

How to Connect to your ECS Instances Securely?

Continue from the story of the previous blog posts - How to Secure Your ECS Instances with Alibaba Cloud Security Center and How to Remove Donald Trump Virus/Script from Linux? I would like to share one more feature that I mentioned I was lazy to implement which lead to give opportunity to the hacker to brute force attack my Linux root account.

If you are Alibaba Cloud, AWS or any other similar cloud service provider user, when you are trying to provision an ECS instance, you will be given the choice of setting up the logon credential with key pair or password like the following screen.

If you are lazy like me and set the logon credential with password, then you will face the risk of root account being brute force attack.

So, what if you already setup the server with password credential, then you can actually still able to make thing right now.

Generate Key Pair

First, you need to generate a key pair for your account which is used to connect to the server by opening the PuTTYgen software.

Hit the Generate button, then move your mouse around this area for it to generate random value:

Until you see the following screen, then enter the key comment as your username to differentiate the accounts. Then, the key passphrase will be the password that you need to key in while connecting to the server which actually does the decryption.

Save a copy of the private key, it is required to be imported to the Putty authorization profile later.

Configure PuTTY

Now, open PuTTY then enter the server IP address, then go to Connection menu -> SSH -> Auth, browse and select the saved private key.

Now, go back to the main screen, save the session.

When you connect to the server, you will be prompted to key in the passphrase that you had set earlier while generating private key in the PuTTYgen software.

Enable SSH Root Access With Key

Go to /etc/ssh path, then open text editor to edit the sshd_config file.
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Uncommet the PermitRootLogin and change the value from prohibit-password to without-password

Finally, restart the sshd service to make it take effect
service sshd restart
Now, you can try to login to the server with root password, it should not be accessible now.


After setting up the SSH authorization method to key pair, your root account is at least safe from brute force attack. For even tighter security, I would advice you to setup a Security Group in Alibaba Cloud to whitelist a range of IP addresses that suppose to be allowed to access the server only.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

How to Setup Quorum Blockchain Node in Alibaba Cloud ECS?

Blockchain becoming a hot topic recently as I find that it is a good technology to form trust between businesses whereby the data are being distributed and governed by the stakeholders together but still the data are temper proof which demonstrate reliability and security.

Quorum is an Ethereum-based blockchain technology which had removed the mining and gas fee requirement for deploying and executing smart contract. Quorum is being designed to share data and contracts within a closed group or known as consortium chain. We can control the accessibility of the blockchain network to desire parties only.

There are 3 types of consensus algorithm available to setup in Quorum blockchain:

  1. Raft-based Consensus: A consensus model for faster blocktimes, transaction finality, and on-demand block creation.
  2. Istanbul BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) Consensus: A PBFT-inspired consensus algorithm with immediate transaction finality, by AMIS.
  3. Clique POA Consensus: a default POA consensus algorithm bundled with Go Ethereum.

Let's start with how to setup your own Quorum nodes in Raft consensus algorithm first. I will cover the other 2 consensus implementation next time when I am free. For more information about those consensus algorithms mentioned above, you may find them in the Quorum official documentation site here.

Choosing the Right Spec of Your ECS Instance for Quorum Testing

In order to do quick start with Quorum, the minimum number of required nodes is 4. However, we do not need to purchase 4 ECS, but 1 will do the trick for testing and development purpose. I would recommend the following Alibaba Cloud ECS spec:

In order to minimize the cost spent on learning, I like the Pay As You Go feature in Alibaba Cloud whereby you only be charged base on the resource that you actually used. The Entry Level (Shared) category server give us even lower cost solution especially for our development and testing server which most of the time is idle. If the server CPU exceed the average baseline CPU performance, then only we will be charged for CPU credit. For more info how burstable type instance work, please refer to this link.

So, one server with 2 CPU and 4GB of RAM is sufficient to deploy 4 nodes for testing, please refer to the details in the following article. As for the operating system, I would recommend Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit. Then, add a 20GB data disk to keep the Quorum data instead of system disk. 

Setting Up Environment

After you have provisioned your server, we need to install the Quorum dependency which is Go language first by running the following command.
sudo apt install golang
By default, the server data disk is not mount yet. We need to mount it first. Please refer to this post. Then, we will setup the Quorum node in the data disk mount instead of system disk.

If you have not install Git, you need to install it now as we need it to clone Quorum code.
sudo apt install git

Clone from Github

Now, change the directory to the data disk path at /mnt. Then, begin with cloning and downloading the latest source code from the git by following command:
git clone
cd quorum
make all
export PATH=/mnt/quorum/build/bin:$PATH 
Ensure that PATH contains geth and bootnode.

Create Folder for Each Node

Create 4 folders at the /mnt data disk path by running the following command:
mkdir node1
mkdir node2
mkdir node3
mkdir node4

Initialize Node

Initialize the node with new account for every node by running the following command from the node folder:
cd /mnt/node1
geth --datadir node1 account new
cd /mnt/node2
geth --datadir node2 account new
cd /mnt/node3
geth --datadir node3 account new
cd /mnt/node4
geth --datadir node4 account new
When you run the account new command, you will be prompted with asking for entering the password for the new account. Upon successful account creation, you will be given an account address which belong to the new account. You need to take note and keep it safely along with the password.

After you have created an account for every 4 different nodes, we shall proceed to create a general genesis setting file which will be shared with all the nodes. Therefore, create a new file call genesis.json at the /mnt path by executing the following command:
vi /mnt/genesis.json
The genesis.json file can be downloaded from here from the Quorum website. Copy and paste the content to the file editor, then edit the setting accordingly to below:

  "alloc": {
    "0x<account address created from node1>": {
      "balance": "1000000000000000000000000000"
    "0x<account address created from node2>": {      "balance": "1000000000000000000000000000"
    "0x<account address created from node3>": {      "balance": "1000000000000000000000000000"
    "0x<account address created from node4>": {      "balance": "1000000000000000000000000000"
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "config": {
    "homesteadBlock": 0,
    "byzantiumBlock": 0,
    "constantinopleBlock": 0,
    "chainId": 10,
    "eip150Block": 0,
    "eip155Block": 0,
    "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "eip158Block": 0,
    "maxCodeSize": 35,
    "maxCodeSizeChangeBlock" : 0,
    "isQuorum": true
  "difficulty": "0x0",
  "extraData": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "gasLimit": "0xE0000000",
  "mixhash": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000647572616c65787365646c6578",
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "timestamp": "0x00"

Save the genesis.json then quit the editor.

Now, create node key for every node by executing the following command:
bootnode --genkey=nodekey1
bootnode --genkey=nodekey2
bootnode --genkey=nodekey3
bootnode --genkey=nodekey4 
Then, move the node key to the node folder:
mv nodekey1 node1/nodekey
mv nodekey2 node2/nodekey
mv nodekey3 node3/nodekey
mv nodekey4 node4/nodekey

Now, we need to get the enode id of the new node for the next setup. The --nodekey parameter is the path of the nodekey that you had moved from the previous step.
bootnode --nodekey=node1/nodekey --writeaddress
bootnode --nodekey=node2/nodekey --writeaddress
bootnode --nodekey=node3/nodekey --writeaddress
bootnode --nodekey=node4/nodekey --writeaddress  

Copy down the enode id of every nodekey above. Then, create a new file call static-nodes.json using file editor:
vi /mnt/static-nodes.json
Then, either copy the file content below or download from the Quorum website here:

  "enode://<node1 nodekey>@",
  "enode://<node2 nodekey>@",
  "enode://<node3 nodekey>@",
  "enode://<node4 nodekey>@"

Save the static-nodes.json then copy the file to every node directory:
cp static-nodes.json /mnt/node1
cp static-nodes.json /mnt/node2
cp static-nodes.json /mnt/node3
cp static-nodes.json /mnt/node4

Now, we can begin to initialize the first node and create the genesis block by issuing following command:
geth --datadir node1 init genesis.json

We need to prepare a automated script to start the node by creating a new file call by executing following command:
vi /mnt/
Copy the following content to the script.
PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore nohup geth --datadir node1 --nodiscover --verbosity 5 --networkid 33333 --raft --raftport 50401 --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 22001 --rpcapi admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3,quorum,raft --emitcheckpoints --port 21001 >> node1.log 2>&1 &

$ chmod +x 
$ ./

Repeat above step to create, and There are a few parameters you need to take note and modify accordingly:

--datadir #your node folder which is node1, node2, node3 and node4
--networkid #need to be consistent for one blockchain one networkid
--raftport #follow as you setup in the static-nodes.json
--rpcport #shall be unique for each node in order to prevent port conflict
--port #follow as you setup in the static-nodes.json

Once done, grant execution privilege to the startnode scripts:
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
Now, execute all the start nodes script:
Upon executing the script, you can verify whether the script is running fine or not by checking if there is a geth.ipc file exist in the node folder.

Next, attach the geth process by executing the following process:
geth attach /mnt/node1/geth.ipc
Then, enter the command raft.cluster to check the other node statuses.

The node1 is active now, but not the other 3. Since I can confirm that the node is working fine, I shall proceed to make the other 3 nodes online as well by finishing what's left out which is the run geth on the other 3 nodes.

Finally, start the other 3 nodes by executing the, and

As you can see, all 4 nodes are in active status now. The Quorum installation and deployment is considered as complete.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

How to Mount Data Disk in Alibaba Cloud ECS?

If you are an Alibaba Cloud or any other similar cloud provider ECS instance user, most of the time I find that the data disk is not automatically mounted by default. Therefore, in this article, I am going to share how to mount a data disk to ECS instance.

Firstly, check if your ECS is attached with the correct disk from the Console.

List Disk

Now, remote SSH to the server. Then, run the following command to check if the attached disk is available.
sudo fdisk -l

 As you can see:
/dev/vda is your 40GB system disk.
/dev/vdb is your 20GB data disk.

There is an existing partition /dev/vda1 existed. So, we need to create one partition for the data disk.

Create Partition

Now, execute the following command to create partition.
sudo fdisk /dev/vdb

When it prompt for command, simply enter "n" which stand for new partition.
Next, key in the partition number, default 1
Next, key in first sector, default 2048 for the very beginning
Next, key in last sector, default 41953039 for the very end if you wish to partition the entire disk
Finally, enter command "w" to write the above setting and execute the partitioning.

Now, if you run the list disk command fdisk -l again, you will see new partition /dev/vdb1 is created.

Format Disk

Before we can save data into the disk, we need to create disk format for it first. Let's just create the most commonly used Linux file system ext4 format by executing the following command:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1

Mount Disk

In order to prevent the disk unmounted after server being rebooted, let's create an auto mount command in the file system table:
echo /dev/vdb1 /mnt ext4 defaults 0 0 >> /etc/fstab
For mounting the disk, simply run the following command:
mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt
Now, you may change directory to /mnt to access to your data disk.

Send Transactional SMS with API

This post cover how to send transactional SMS using the Alibaba Cloud Short Message Service API. Transactional SMS usually come with One Tim...